Credit Karma Homepage

The Challenge

As the brand style for Credit karma was evolving, it was important that the homepage also evolved to maintain a consistency throughout the experience. It was also important that the homepage was constantly tested and improved to maximize new user conversions. I was tasked with creating a new homepage design that was consistent with the current brand style and had modular elements that could be easily tested with different images and value propositions.

My role: design and hand-off to front-end.

The Process

The first step was to develop a set of wireframes for the page that would give us the flexibility to test all the different messages and value propositions we had. I worked with a copywriter to align the messaging for each section and I source photos and created visuals as needed. We relied heavily on user personas to help inform this process. The last step was to complete the visual design and prep the different elements for testing. This layout was a big visual update from the previous version and starting point many incremental data-driven improvements.

The Results